If, after attempting to create an account in the app our on our Sign-Up Page, you receive an error, find the error below for further details. If you don't find the error you received here, let us know!
"There's already an account with this email. Do you need to log in?"
The email address you entered may be associated with another Lumosity account or a previously deleted account. To verify, click the gray "Login" button at the top-right corner of the page to log in to your existing account and enter your email address and previous password. If you have trouble logging in, see our Login Help article.
If you're on mobile, then click the teal "Already have an account?" link in the red box above the sign up fields.
If you are trying to create multiple separate accounts using a single email address, see the Help Center article "Can I have multiple accounts tied to the same email address?
"That's not a valid email. Check again?"
There may be a space, unsupported character, or only part of the email address was entered in the "Email" field.
Note: If you're not receiving an error, but are having difficulty with the email validation process, please note that the email address will show as invalid until you enter the entire address and the system is able to verify it. Once the email is validated, a green check mark will appear next to it and you'll be able to create your account.
If you are copying and pasting an email address into the email field, the validation process may not be prompted. We recommend erasing part of the email address you are entering and retyping the last few characters in order to make the green check mark appear.
"Enter at least 5 characters for a strong password"
Here are some tips for creating strong passwords:
- Make your password at least 8 characters long. (We require that passwords be at least 5 characters, but the longer, the better!)
- Use a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
- Do not use any portion of your email address, real name, company name, or mailing address.
I’m seeing "An unknown error has occurred" on iOS or "Please check your internet connection" on Android
If you have any apps which might be changing the way your device connects to the internet, such as a security app or VPN, try disabling the app or turning it off for Lumosity before you try to log in again. If that doesn’t help, then try using a different internet connection as your IP address may be blocked.
"Sorry, you're not eligible to create an account."
We currently do not accept registrations from users under the age of 13. For more information, please view our Privacy Policy.