How can I turn sound on or off when playing Lumosity games?

PC or Mac Computer

After clicking Play, select the pause button (||) in the top-left corner and then click Mute Sound. Click Resume to return to the game. Currently this setting does not save, so you need to mute the game each time you play.


If you're having trouble with the sound after turning audio on, please try clearing your cache following the steps in this FAQ.


Lumosity app for iPad, iPhone, and Android

You can mute the game background music and sound effects. Tap More and then Settings. You can toggle the background music and sound effects separately. On is red with the slider to the right, and Off is gray with the slider to the left. Make sure to update the app if you don't see this option.

The app sound is on, but the games are not playing sounds

  • Try turning up your device volume.
  • On iOS 12, check the Control Panel to make sure your device is not in Silent Mode. Pull down on the top right of the screen and tap the bell icon so that there is not a line through it.
  • On devices with an older iOS version, make sure the mute switch located on the side of your device is not switched on (an orange dot indicates whether or not your device is muted.)

If these steps don't solve the issue, then please follow the troubleshooting steps in this FAQ.


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