How are the games in my training session chosen?

Training sessions are designed to provide well-rounded training for all members regardless of whether they are free or Premium. Free members will receive a preselected rotation of some of our most popular games, while Premium members will receive personalized sessions determined by our training algorithm.

This training algorithm takes many factors into account including Training Preferences, game length, as well as how recently and frequently you have played each game. To provide well-rounded training we include games from every Cognitive Area throughout your training, though each area may not be represented in every session. Certain games will only appear for specific Training Types. For example, our more advanced games such as Brain Shift Overdrive and Memory Match Overdrive will only appear in the Advanced Training Type.

If you would like to readjust your Training Priorities you can do so by going to your Training Preferences page on a computer. Drag and drop the 5 Cognitive Areas (Speed, Memory, Attention, Flexibility, and Problem Solving) to your preferred order with your highest priority at the top and your lowest at the bottom. Be sure to save your changes before leaving the page!

Additionally, you can select different types of workouts. Learn more about Workout Modes.

Premium members can also play games outside of their training session by going to our Games page. These games can be played at any time, either in addition to or in place of your training session, and there is no limit to the number of games you can play from our Games page each day. Games played from the Games page will still have their scores recorded and have the same potential to affect your LPI as games in your training sessions.

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