Space Trace Instructions

The goal of Space Trace is to use the 5 dots to create different patterns of 5 lines within the time limit.

To start, simply click the dots you wish to select to create a pattern. Selected dots have a white outline around them. If you accidentally click a dot you didn't mean to, you can click the undo button in the bottom right to unselect it.


Dots with a star in them are bonus dots. A pattern originating from a bonus dot earns you bonus points!


Patterns can have lines crossing and dots can be used more than once or not at all!


The more unique patterns you make without repeating one the more points you get as there is a streak bonus. Try combining the bonus dots with the streak bonus for the higher scores!

You can review instructions for any of our games at any time. On the website, click How to Play before starting the game. Or, during the game, clicking the pause (II) button in the top-left corner and then selecting How to Play.

In the mobile app, then tap the question mark (?) to the left of the Play button before starting. Or, during the game, tap pause (II) at the top-left of the screen and then tap How To Play from the menu that appears.

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